Erasmus MC Foundation
Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam has set up a national coordination center for patient distribution and bed capacity. Healthcare providers can view how many IC beds are available for corona patients from an empty study room every morning. The Erasmus MC Foundation launches both a digital as a direct mail this week to their donors asking them for their help in funding their Corona research.
Médecins Sans Frontières (Artsen zonder Grenzen)
Thanks to their donors, they are able to take immediate action to combat the corona pandemic. In the hard-hit province of Lombardy in Italy, they support four hospitals. The local health workers are completely overwhelmed. In France and Belgium, they work in hospitals and mobile clinics to provide care to the large numbers of corona patients. In Spain, their teams have set up emergency hospitals.
Ärzte der Welt (Dokters van de Wereld NL)
Their care providers do everything they can to provide vulnerable people with medical care and support. Their medical consultation hours are partially scaled down and partially scaled up. For example, due to lack of access to regular care, their doctors themselves will provide more general practicioners care during office hours. They are also going to run adapted consultation hours in The Hague because they received signals that access to general practitioners is stalling there.
In other affected countries, too, their colleagues go to great lengths to continue to help vulnerable people. Such as on the Greek island of Lesbos, where thousands of refugees are packed together in refugee camps in unsanitary conditions.
Amref Flying Doctors
In Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia, they are part of national task forces to help the Ministries of Health prepare emergency measures.
And at the request of the Kenyan Ministry of Health, they have started training (local) healthcare providers on the corona virus via the digital telephone. That way they can train 26,000 health care providers across the country within two months. They are trained to identify, isolate and refer suspected cases, and to encourage hygienic behaviors (such as hand washing) to prevent further transmission of the virus.
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Geplaatst op 8 april 2020